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What our members have to say.

“CHA is such an amazing group! I have made great friendships (for me and my kids), participated in some amazing field trips & activities and enjoyed being a part of things by volunteering on the CHA & Co-op Boards. I am definitely a better homeschool mom because of the knowledge & encouragement I’ve gotten from CHA!” ~Brenna T., Homeschooling 3 boys (8, 6, 3) for 3 years
“When we first started homeschooling, I was terrified my daughter wouldn’t have enough contact with other kids to be able to make lasting friendships. With CHA’s field trips and park days and parties, not only does she have many close friends, but I do, too. I can’t imagine what our lives would have been like without it.” ~Laura W.
“We have been members of CHA for over 7 years, and we absolutely love being a part of this great organization. There are so many people who have gone above and beyond to make this a great group. Field trips, festivals, ceremonies, park days, co-op, mother’s night out, family activities….the list of things CHA organizes for its members is incredible! With so many families coming together for the common cause of homeschooling our children, it’s no wonder we’ve made many new friends over the years. With the help of all members, CHA will surely continue to grow stronger and larger every year. Yay, CHA!!!” ~Charlene R., Homeschooling 2 kids ages 10 yrs and 7 yrs since 2005
“My favorite part of CHA is all the friends I have. I get to hang out with them all the time.” ~Landon, age 10
“It has made it a lot easier as a first time homeschooler. Great people — my kids love the group.”
“We have been part of this association for the last year and love it so much! It really gives us the feeling of small school fellowship that we crave while still getting to do our own thing! ” ~Tara P.